Harder: Child Tax Credit Delivered $44 Million to 175,000 Central Valley Kids in August

Press Release

Date: Sept. 13, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Today, Representative Josh Harder (CA-10) announced that in the month of August alone, the new Child Tax Credit (CTC) delivered $44.1 million to 175,000 kids in his district. This represents 94,000 individual payments to Central Valley families. The CTC is the largest middle-class tax cut in a generation, returning hard earned tax dollars back to the families who need them most.

"Central Valley families deserve to keep their hard-earned paychecks, it's as simple as that," said Rep. Harder. "The Child Tax Credit is the largest middle-class tax cut in a generation and now we know it's the most effective one too. I was proud to vote it into law earlier this year, and I'm thrilled that 175,000 kids and 94,000 families are benefiting from it here at home."

A new report from the Joint Economic Committee found that California families on average received $418 through the Child Tax Credit. Statewide, 4,283,000 monthly tax cut payments went to families in August for a total of $1.791 billion. Nationwide, the Joint Economic Committee estimates the Child Tax Credit tax cuts are pumping $19.3 billion into local economies each month, supporting local jobs and businesses.

Click here to read more about the Child Tax Credit's transformative impact on families across the country.
